14 research outputs found

    SD of synchronizing error.

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    <p>The SD of synchronizing error at each ISI are shown. The SD of synchronization error in SCA patients was significantly larger than that of normal subjects at ISIs 500–1200 ms, but was comparable at ISIs 1800–4800 ms. This suggests that the synchronizing tapping in SCA patients was disrupted at shorter ISIs (500–1200 ms).</p

    The ratio of ITI to ISI.

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    <p>The ratio of average ITI to ISI is plotted in each ISI. The red curve is for SCA patients and the blue curve for normal subjects. Asterisks indicate significant difference between the two groups.</p

    Synchronized tapping task.

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    <p>The subjects tapped the keyboard in synchrony with the sequences of auditory tones presented at fixed interstimulus intervals (ISIs) between 200 and 4800 ms. We measured the time difference (synchronizing error) between the times of tap (white arrows) and those of tones (black arrows) and the time interval between successive taps (ITI) in each trial.</p

    The synchronizing error.

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    <p>Data are shown in mean ± standard deviation</p><p>*significant deviation from 0 ms after transition zone (delayed tapping time)</p><p>The synchronizing error.</p

    Representative distributions of synchronizing error.

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    <p>Distributions of synchronizing error (the time of button responses relative to the tone) are depicted as histograms in a normal subject (A) and a SCA patient (B). In a normal subject, at shorter ISIs, the histogram for synchronizing error shows a unimodal distribution which was centered around or a slightly negative value, whereas when ISI becomes more variable at intermediate ISIs (transition zone), it finally converges into a unimodal distribution delayed relative to the tone. In SCA patients, however, the unimodal distributions at shorter ISIs are not observed. Additionally, the earliest time of delayed tapping appears earlier compared to normal subjects. Consequently, the temporal processing is disrupted and the ‘3 second rule’ is shortened in SCA patients.</p

    Search time of visual tasks.

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    <p>A: simple reaction time, B: direction and color discrimination time, C: serial and pop-out search time. The bars show the values of mean and standard error. Grey bars are for SCA patients and white bars for normal subjects. The simple reaction time was longer in SCA patients than in normal subjects. The direction and color discrimination time had no statistical differences. The 4- and 48-item serial search time was longer in SCA patients than in normal subjects, whereas the 4- and 48-item pop-out search time in SCA patients was almost identical to that in normal subjects. The serial search time was markedly longer than the pop-out search time in both SCA patients and normal subjects.</p

    Heat maps in serial search tasks.

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    <p>A: SCA patients, B: normal subjects. In both 4- and 48-itemt tasks, the areas (colored areas) scanned by SCA patients were distributed more widely than those of normal subjects. The center was also colored because the starting eye-fixation position was located at the center of image.</p

    Heat maps in pop-out search tasks.

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    <p>A: SCA patients, B: normal subjects. In both 4- and 48-item pop-out search tasks, the areas (colored areas) scanned by both SCA patients and normal subjects were more localized than those in serial search tasks.</p

    Search tasks.

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    <p>A: serial search task, B: pop-out search task. Upper panels show 4-item tasks and lower panels show 48-item tasks. In the serial search task, the subject was instructed to push the button connected to the eye-tracking device when he/she found an upward-facing Landolt figure. In the pop-out search task, the subject was instructed to push the button when he/she found a red Landolt figure. The serial and pop-out search times were measured by the following formula: search time  =  total time – simple reaction time.</p

    Visual scanning parameters in serial search tasks.

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    <p>A: number of saccades, B: duration of fixation, C: amplitude of saccades, D: coefficient of variation (CV) of saccade amplitude, E: number of repeated fixations, F: instability ratio of fixation. The bars show the values of mean and standard error. Grey bars are for SCA patients and white bars for normal subjects. The number of saccades per second and duration of fixation in SCA patients were identical to those in normal subjects for both 4- and 48-item tasks. Amplitude of saccades was smaller in SCA patients than in normal subjects for both 4- and 48-item tasks, although these differences were not statistically significant. CV of saccade amplitude was larger in SCA patients than in normal subjects only in the 4-item task. Number of repeated fixations and instability ratio of fixation were larger in SCA patients than in normal subjects for both 4- and 48-item tasks.</p